Home Comfort – AC Temperature Control

What is the main reason people have air conditioning in their homes or offices?

We install air conditioners and central air in our homes and offices to keep us comfortable throughout the day and night. Today, home comfort is becoming more efficient then every before. One way people are “going green” and saving energy is with zoning.

Forced air zoning allows you to keep your home cool during the summer without wasting air conditioning on rooms that are already cool or not being occupied.

Did you know that cooling your home in the summer months accounts for over 40% of your utility bill? That is more than your electric! Did you know that zoning can help you cut those costs by 15 – 30%!

When you walk into your home and turn the first light switch on does it turn every light on in your home? The answer is no. However, when you turn your AC on, your entire house starts to cool off. The most common problem here is that the downstairs normally stays nice and cool while the upstairs is warm. Some people will run their AC all day to cool their upstairs, which in the long run makes their downstairs too cold and uncomfortable.

This can be solved by adding just a 2 zone system onto your existing AC unit. By zoning off the upstairs and downstairs you can control each separate with its own thermostat. This can benefit you in the following ways:

Increase comfort throughout the entire home
Save money by not wasting energy cooling rooms already comfortable or not being used (up to 30% savings)
– Shut off the AC downstairs while you sleep during the night
– Shut off the AC upstairs during the day
– Having multiple thermostats is convenient
– Zoning can be added to any existing HVAC system! Here is what you need

This summer, stay comfortable and save on energy costs by installing a zoning system to your Air Conditioning unit.

April 24, 2013
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    • The Word On The Street

      • I was a little unsure about how zoning would benefit my family, but I am glad we decided to install it in our home! Since the install, we have noticed a tremendous amount of savings on our cooling costs. Not to mention our upstairs no longer stays 10 degrees hotter than the rest of the house.
      • The smartest decision we made as a company was to make the switch to ZONEFIRST. We managed to cut our install time in half due to the ease of the Plug & Play System. The color-coded control board and the pre-wired dampers make the process hassle free. Thanks for a great product!
        D&D Mechanical
        HVAC Contractor
      • The system went in very smoothly with careful planning. I've set up three zones, one for each level. Looking to add more in the future if needed. Wiring was simple, even up to the existing wired thermostat, wireless stats and the equipment wiring. After reading the instructions, I had no problems. Thanks again!
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